Jet Jaguar

If only CMT had MORE POWER!!! *grunt, grunt, grunt, grunt, grunt*
*comment transitions out with cheesy '90s CGI wipe*

Barry White Privilege

But Geddy Lee is Canadian.

I agree. They should hire Sheryl Lee, then brutally murder her character.

Five-pac. And a bag of popcorn.

Nothin's gonna ever keep you down!

At least she got the title correct and didn't call it "The Colored People."

But listen to the music. He's evil.

Both lines from the same episode.

Holy Heartfelt, Batman!

That horrible movie spared no one.

Ghost maybe? Theodore Rex?

And Brett Ratner. And Bob Odenkirk.

She's one of the directors of Movie 43. I don't think she's in a position to be assigning any blame.

All the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were female. Actually they were transsexual. How progressive, especially for 1993!

D4: The Mighty Ducks: Duck By Dawn

Or an episode of the DuckTales reboot.

Don't tell us what to do. You're not the kielbassa us!

It Comes At Night Too
It Comes At Night 3: It Comes At Day
It Comes at Night 4: Additionally, It Comes At Night.

It makes absolutely no sense to have a theatrical promo before a VHS trailer. It's aesthetically inconsistent. They should've opened with the early-1980s Warner Home Video Logo: