Jet Jaguar

Shouldn't Aladdin be Chinese, like he was in the original "1001 Nights"?

The Old Dennis Miller which was ironically the Young Dennis Miller.

Where's Jean Claude Van Johnson?

On closer inspection, these are loafers.

Sometime before April 2018

That was a sick burn!

She does have a cutting wit.

Katie's ongoing Cryptkeeper newswires might be my favorite thing on the AV Club. They're a real gas!
*forgets to have furnace regularly checked, dies from carbon monoxide poisoning years later*

I preferred it to Clone Alone

And I thought they smelled bad on the outside.

How eggsasperating!

Alexander Payne (Election, Sideways, About Schmidt) helped write I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Sandler manages to hire real talent even when he's making garbage.

Trump didn't ask. He apparently cuts his own hair.

I would've settled for Con Carne

Truly one of the worst sound effects in movie history.

Uh… No, Peg.

Lori Petty!

Vernon Wells replaced the original Bennett. That ludicrous costume was designed for the original actor.

The yield of this particular swirlie was was so large it was deemed impractical; bully technology has focused more on accuracy than total yield since then.

Wasn't Jeff Goldblum the spokesman for Apple in 1999?