Jet Jaguar

A wizard did it.

Isn't this supposedly how Marisa Tomei won?

Paul W.S. Anderson storms the stage to accept the Best Picture award for Resident Evil: The Final Chapter.

Apparently she wrote all Lurleen's songs

And voting Democrat. #Sad #FakeAwards

At least they didn't refer to it as a "race film."

I don't think anything can replace that

Yarrr! That's gonna replace the whale in my nightmares!

I thought the Oscar-nominated song "The Empty Chair" was about Clint Eastwood.

La-La-gate? Moongate? Beattyghazi? Faye Dunagate?

I highly doubt Buddy Holly's band would want to go to there.

At this point, I don't think Frank Stallone would turn down any job.

Or a character in a Roald Dahl story.

Who was in that - Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney?

Or "Alt-ertainer."

I would watch the hell out of "Grey's Anatomy 2296" BTW.

No one bashes Shondaland and lives to tell about it.

One was ugly, the other was awful…ly good.

And that episode of the Forrest Whitaker-hosted "Twilight Zone" where she travelled back in time to kill Baby Hitler.