
I’m gonna miss him. There are a few characters that this show just can’t be the same without, and of them, Fitz and Coulson are the most vital to the show. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to keep watching without him, but I will give it a shot.

She can’t read lips. Did you miss the part where the mind reader told Daisy that not only can he read minds, but he can let others read his? He let Jemma read his mind so she would know what to say.

“Hey guys!  I haven't watched this show for a long time; two years in fact, but I'm certain nothing could have changed since then, and I'm just here to let you all know that this show is bad."

I like daredevil but I feel JJ was more consistently entertaining and high quality

Tripp was bullshit. No character development at all; he just felt like another boring replacement for pre-evil Ward.  At least Mack has some depth to him.

I mean I don't think there was ever a chance at redemption for him but I enjoyed his presence as a villain.

It’s because their Paige’s parents. Paige has mentioned numerous times to Tim that it’s clear that they love her, so he is trying to do everything he can to avoid splitting up a loving family.

My god, Pace’s acting was on point this episode. The range of subtle emotions (and his attempt to cover it up with a smile) that went through his face during that slow zoom in on him at the dinner table was devastating.

I think my list would be

I will never understand this reviewer’s problem with Joe. For me at least, he’s the most compelling part of the show.

Not every single thing on TV needs to exist purely for the purpose of empowering marginalized types of people.

It was a minor mistake. With that kind of power in your hand, it’s something any of us might be tempted enough to take a peek at. It was a tiny enough mistake that it doesn’t matter.

In this thread: a guide on missing the point.

I absolutely love the phrase “good and evil and Bronn”.