Jesse Wiatrak

I swear, I always love these reviews but I will never understand this website's ratings. I mean, the AV Club gives pretty much the same ratings to Gotham as it's been giving to this, but this show has thus far been 10x better than Gotham could ever be.

Funhaus introduced me to Earthlink.

This show is turning into Lost and I love it

Anyone else getting Lost vibes from this?

The whole "cookie" thing reminded me a LOT of the whole premise of the game SOMA.

wow really? I felt this was near perfect


Anyone who wears a t-shirt and jeans is 12. Got it.

What are you talking about? It makes perfect sense. Time and time again, different portrayals of Gotham have shown it to be the biggest cesspool of evil on Earth. The people of Gotham don't DESERVE, due to their hideous nature, a virtuous, heroic, guardian like Batman. I mean the press and even most of the police

But…but the end of time is good.

"Peter" was the first episode I watched and the one that got me into the show.

This was….A+ worthy.

Why did they stop reviewing these?


One of the things I loved about this episode was the opening credits. Usually you have the typical fargo theme or some weird variation but in this one after Chazz yells "Lester!" It cuts to black and the word "Fargo" appears in red while horns blare. It just set the episode up as much more dark and grim than it