my god, what percent of these happened because the drivers of vehicles were playing absolutely NO attention to what they were doing (operating a machine can that can kill things and yourself).
ps3 media server works awesome for me.
Angry Birds for Ipad is awful, runs at like 15 frames per second.
I see they replaced the cheap speaker on the sub woofer to the right, with a fluffy kitty cat.
Babies also react similarly while burning, chemically.
@John: catcksucker
@MegaShark: Its their not there
@Shamoononon: how dare they insult America!
@blyan-reloaded: hipsters ride fixies.
@GizAtWork: I have enough puzzle shuffle games already.
I'm not going into the Jefferies Tube this time, I'm claustrophobic.
It certainly possible Its a promo poster for a star trek tv series reboot? especially considering the title.
@fury161: It would be fat.
@Stradigos: It helps that Up was an amazing animated film
@Ding-Dang: I think this is more about ethics and conducting yourself properly when representing your business.
@lonewanderer: my current world has TONS of coal, yey for coal