Knight Solaire

Is Faloout the Canadian version?

If you make this conversation about sexism and double standards, as the article did, then is is not mere semantics.

While yes, MLP has a lot of haters who hate it for the show itself, most people hate it because ponies invade OUR LIVES. BRONIES ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE. THEY CROSS THEIR CULTURE INTO EVERYTHING ELSE. I googled Adam Jensen (my profile pic) and I FOUND AN ADAM JENSEN PONY. Wtf does my little pony have anything to do

Lol, what if this was a way for Kojima to inadvertently help Dr. Canavero?

It doesn't matter if they write her well. That will still happen.

OH FFS! Speaking AS a female gamer, I couldn't give a shit if they add a female party member. I'm not in the pretty-boy fem-fanservice demographic either. I just want the main party to feel like real people with a bit of freaking personality. Who honestly, REALLY cares about whether or not there's a playable female?


I've known many women who have said something like 'I won't go to a male gyno'. Now of course, this keeps the male/female usage as an adjective, but to say that male/female is merely a technical or scientific word is really not accurate at all.

You're goddamn right, male Elsa, Johnny Bravo and Shaggy are WAY too sexualized. As a man, I'm offended as fuck.

Don't beat yourself up over the "incorrect" cat Charlie started on daily insulin injections when she was 12. She wasn't overweight, and she had been fed a relatively healthy diet her entire life. Sometimes diabetes just happens in cats no matter what you do. In your case you didn't do anything vindictive,

Really?!?! Why? He's always been a boy. Regardless of whether his name is Hero, or Link, or Poop, he is still a boy in The Legend of Zelda lore. Why make him a girl all of a sudden? I have nothing against it personally, but it doesn't make any sense to alter the vibe that way. I would be SUPER excited to find a

There's that word again. Problematic. Don't you just love it? Problematic. It perfectly encapsulates the social justice warrior worldview. It seems to suggest that we're all part of some great herd of terrestrial herbivores, with the consumption of provocative or transgressive media being likened to meat that our

I would love to see the response of "Straight con" for us straight gamer's that don't feel the need to separate and label ourselves, what ever happened to just being gamer's and enjoying each others company? Just like the parades if we threw a straight parade people would be infuriated . Oh and then they say stuff

Falcon is one of the first black superheroes to rise to prominence in comics. He had his own identity, his own history, and more importantly was his own hero. By making him the new Captain America they are negating that. They are overshadowing his accomplishments as a original black hero. Now in pop culture he just

Much like that awful multi-universe "timeline" nonsense, this theory only holds as far as you're willing to ignore contradictory evidence, gloss over inconsistencies, and apply heaping shovelfuls of ret-con.

Diversity... there is that word again.

As a person born on a Caribbean Island, of Hispanic ethnic decent, and raised in a predominantly Jamaican and Trinidadian neighborhood, I find it more troubling that our cultural identity and native dialects are portrayed as "idiot stereotypes" and "broken English." Seriously what the fuck is that about? That's how we

I suggest you avoid gyms or else you might be forced to play God of War and nothing else forever! Games are fantasy stories and don't need to make us relate to the character's look at all cost. Those who insist so much into having all gender available should just play games with character customization and just create

My question is: Why? Why does there HAVE to be this magical "diversity" you speak of? Why do Ubisoft have to bend over backwards to cater to YOUR demands? I'm not speaking for anyone beyond myself here when I say that I am really getting tired of this victim narrative the Social Justice Warriors/feminists insist on