Knight Solaire

I definitely used a guide. I prided myself in solving the puzzles without them, but I'm notoriously bad at math. You can imagine my surprise when, just as I'm caught up in the heat (literally) of saving Akane, I'm slapped with a math game I've never played. I actually tried to teach myself the rules through

999 blew my mind to oblivion. I cried during the final sequence (and not just because of the sudoku, though it was a large part). VLR, though awesome in its own right, just seemed so caught up in how that it forgot why.

Well, he's supposedly working on a secret project, so, fingers crossed (and numerous other appendages).

As a Zero Escape fan, I went into the first Danganronpa aware of the comparisons that are made. I kept saying "It can't possibly be as good." I was wrong. Danganronpa feels more pointed. Don't get me wrong, I love Zero Escape and it's characters, but after Virtue's last reward I found myself feeling less concerned

I don't have a problem with people asking the questions, I just don't like how they react when they don't get the answer they want down to the T. If you are respectfully asking questions, then ask away.

I understand what you are saying, but my point is that taking their nervousness as some underlying problem is misguided. Of course they are going to be nervous. They can't even just say "This is the game we wanted to make," without fearing a PR fiasco. If a company promised you that they would have ethnic characters,

Your pessimism over the idea of race is noted, though I do not agree. I see people being different as a good thing. A world devoid of race might be easier, but not nearly as fulfilling or enriching. We likely will not reach a point of agreement, so I'll leave you at that.

I just recently started buying from GameStop again due to a friend working there showing me a less negative face for it. If they do this, I don't know that I'll be sticking around.

I find that a sad way to view it. Having a race doesn't have to be negative. They show the different ways that the human race has developed over the millennia. We wouldn't have different arts, stories, and viewpoints to share if it weren't for race. To say that race is some illusion is a cop out because you'd rather

The reason most of them are silent isn't because there is some sort of hidden agenda (though that may be the case with some). As I've told others, it's natural to write from what you most know, and what is more familiar and close to home than your own race. It nearly always is a subconscious thing. They can't even

It doesn't have to be a deliberate action. If you take people from different nationalities and ask them to write a story, the main character is probably going to be of the same race as the writer, not all of the time, but most of the time. It's a simple matter of what you are majorly exposed to and what resonates with

Either one extreme or the other, eh? It can't possibly be that most of the people I've dealt with on a personal level happen to be white, and so, therefore I tend to think mainly as a white. It's like I have a race or something. Huh, go figure.

Computer sciences are not actually very well implemented into any public school, as far as I can tell. I was constantly reminded of the fact that I, with my limited knowledge, still generally knew more about computers from playing with them than the teachers who taught me. Game design is an out-of-the-way career for

It's not that I think that we should prevent diversity, it's just that most people that I've seen on this site and a few other places seem not to have put much thought into where this diversity will come from. There's beginning to be a constant stream of "Groan....another white protagonist," and decrees that a game is

My cat usually just gets jealous. Considering he's pure lard, his fancies can be more obstructing than most cats.

If you were a Kindergarden Pokémon fan, this is second nature.

It seems a little silly to me, but I'll show due respect and just turn the other cheek.

You can attribute games not having black protagonists to the fact that most game developers are either Asian or white. You want games from your race's perspective, and that is perfectly okay; Support black developers when they appear. What you have to remember is, just as you would likely make a game featuring a black

Yeah, I noticed that people like to conviently forget Bioshock 1 existed so that they can use Bioshock Infinite as a "Herr, durr, durr, religion eez stupeed, and Leveenes's agrees." The Bioshock franchise as a whole can be taken as a warning against misplaced "enlightenment" and misplaced "religiousness." Both

Why does Wonder Woman look as if she has taken numerous steroids?