Self-determination and stability doesn’t matter. What matters is that they do what they’re fucking told. Learn how the world works, sooner the better. And no, bringing stability and democracy to Iraq was the last thing on the mind of those who ordered the wrecking of that country.
I hear women can’t even shave their pussies there.
Americans should realize their government has been supporting ISIS Senior for a long time, while destroying what little “normal” secular countries were left in MiddleEast.
Delusional as always. Must be comforting.
Wait, it’s not possible for a woman to be a fat pig and crazy, just like men?
Sure, what is a lie of the things i said? Please enlighten me.
JE Reich, you should stick to writing about transsexual rights to piss in the womens bathrooms or maybe about anal beads or just do a piece on Kim’s pimples. Politics are not your strong side obviously.
Hate to break it to you but most of the military supports Trump. And top brass stooges can be replaced easily. And of course CIA criminals are against Trump, since arming jihadis and destabilizing countries is not his thing. CIA should be dismantled.
People like this JE Reich ignorants would ban Trump bc he said things they dislike. Big. Fucking. Deal. And yet they probably have and will vote for fucking war criminals.
Israelites vs Philistines, David vs Goliath, slings vs armor plates.
Jesus Salutes:)
Well, the Apocalypse gotta start somewhere:)
Not surprising at all to see this. Stir shit in Middle East, and expect shit spilling over to Europe. EU should get a backbone, and tell US to gtfo with their ME schemes. And nuke Ankara and Riyadh.