Jesus Manuel Sandoval-Serrano

Or you could just keep it small and cheap, especially considering how high the divorce rate is

I find it worth it to pay extra for RainX when I do get my car washed, the rainwater just beads up and rolls up with the wind

"Another was a flight attendant twice my age who regularly tried to get me to have a threesome with her coworker"

Hahaha, I had no idea HG started using 403 pages for sites getting too much traffic! You probably need to implement caching in your site's PHP code. Additionally, cloudflare works great for serving up static content.

Go to any mexican 'carniceria' or butcher shop, or any hispanic grocery store. They'll have lard by the bucket

Nice try, DEA

Learn this one man's simple trick for removing rings

Is it just me, or has hitchhiker's guide been excluded?

Meanwhile I've abused the hell out of my Samsung and android phones, with not a single crack to show for it.

This is rather interesting, considering his compound had been raided earlier this year in May by the GSU

Notice how most of the people talking about prostituting themselves to buy the iPhone 5 are guys. Guys who would do it for free, regardless.