Do you want to have a conversation about this or are you just into jumping to conclusions and making assumptions?
Do you want to have a conversation about this or are you just into jumping to conclusions and making assumptions?
I wish I understood the origins of the intonations and mannerisms used by many African American speakers and ministers. In most cases it is a practiced affect. In some cases it seems unconscious. But, in all cases, it sets my bullshit meter off in a huge way.
And here we go.. more self righteous people seeking money and fame simply for their skin color. I’m all for diversity, quality of life improvements, and genuine acceptance of any and all colors, creeds, and life styles. But i’m really tired of the dregs of society thinking that they’ve been slighted by those who have…
No one man should have all that power.
If that were the case, I feel like he’d say “personal emergency”
He had to go help take a ring to Mordor.
Borussia Dortmund, one of the world’s very best soccer teams, found themselves down against Real Madrid, the most…
painting hair onto Peyton Manning’s forehead in order to make him come across as a more valuable brandbot.
Seriously fuck you and fuck Univision Deportes Kotaku. Every site has been cucked. Jalopnik is now shit and now you fucked Kotaku too with your political leftist bullshit.
LOL...Google and Facebook do all sorts of questionable shit in support of Hillary and the tech media is mum. One of the few tech billionaires is discovered to be a Trump supporter. OH THE HORROR!
Meme Magic is real!!! I’m a nimble navigator and proud of it. Sorry I can’t keep quiet any longer! It’s sad that we can’t say we are Trump supporters because we will be labeled as racist or self hating. I’m Hispanic and voting for DJT!!!
The Gawker network is incredibly liberal.
I know right. I’m shocked to read people questioning why the riot gear, it's a violent protest wtf do you think they should wear and if a riot gear makes people start vandalizing crap then the problem is not in the gear they're wearing
Don’t worry, all of those same “protestors” that are burning shit to the ground are improving their city; those same people will be back someday to rebuild, to show that they really made a difference. Just like in Baltimore.
Would you expect any less, this day and age? If 9/11 happened today, we’d have selfies from Flight 93.
Anthony Rizzo hit two home runs and Jon Lester pitched eight shutout innings as the Chicago Cubs beat the St. Louis…