Rusty Shackleford

You are a Godless heathen. Our Lord will decide whether or not you burn but you will atone for your sins one day if you don't already. Christ be with you.

You are a Godless heathen have fun in hell!

These are the people you liberals got in bed with. Every Muslim can be viewed as an extremist. The words of the Koran are extreme!! Look at how they treat women and gays!

Is it possible a higher up producer leaked it to test initial public reaction? Almost a guerrila advertising type stunt? Would anyone behind this show be capable of pulling that off? So many questions, so many takes, all of them mattering.

Also I want to point out to the 42 or so people that will read this comment in the greys...Jason McIntyre suckssssssss. He doesn’t even really sound like a man and that bit about Rodgers laying off the cheese?? GTFOutta here.

This is what we as a people need Deadspin for. It’s stuff like this that almost makes me wish Hulk Hogan wasn’t forcing y’all into a Michael Scott style declaration of BANKRUPTCY!!!

I covered my college’s sports for the on campus TV station. No matter what I was taught in my Broadcast Journalism ethics classes, seeing how the athletic department expected us to be cheerleaders taught me the true reality. I’m out of the industry now after three years post college, and I’m better for it.

“Sure he’ll cash out a multi millionaire, possibly billionaire”

Capitalize the G in God you arrogant fucking prick.

Build that wall!!!

NASCAR: keep it simple stupid! As Alanis says the on track racing was great last night (and even better in the showdown). Simplify the format and let the product on the track take precedence. Go back to the 1998 rules when Mark Martin beat Jeff Gordon!

If you’re offended by this, you’re a weak minded individual and you should blame Sir Mix a Lot for his “problematic” lyrics casting Oakland as a “foil” for L.A. Celebrate the booty regardless of its skin color. Blake got back!!!

“We da souf” - odor

Coleslaw is #1!! Cornbread #2, potato salad #3, baked beans #4

As long as Skip Bayless breathes his troll air, the hot take lives on.

I need Cavs-Heat. Miami is my number 1 favorite vacation spot. DWade turning back the clock ten years and giving the finger to Canada like he's in an episode of South Park. I love it.

President Trump would not let this aggression stand. This is America, we’re not required to stand during ANY national anthem.

Fuck Mahmoud Abdul-rauf

Nothing wrong with a little casual racism among friendly competitors.

Way too many words, I quit after you called Jay-Z a dog. Well “all women ain’t bitches and all men aren’t dogs even though we bark.” - Logic. I think you made up that definition of bullying too. You can be bullied for things that you do control, such as your political beliefs. Boom roasted.