Jesus H. Chris

It was odd that in a statement purportedly honoring the “brave lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people” who fought for HIV/AIDS research and treatment in the early days, the only one she managed to mention by name was a heterosexual career Congressman.

I support whomever our nominee is, but HarvestMoon seems to be a nearly manic supporter of Hillary and everything she does and says, as if she is not capable of being criticized or every criticism of her is Right Wing Evil Manipulation. Despite the fact that these baffingly untrue and somewhat hurtful words came from

Oh, was it Fox News who said that about Nancy Reagan? Hillary didn’t say it?

While it was an admission of a mistake, there was no actual apology.

I know a Secretary of State that would be for defined gender roles:

I mean, is this just the week where all my feminist heroes insult me for having my own political opinions? Anyways, not that this really applies to this specific instance (it’s not bad behavior just not the most feminist thing to say), but Olivia Pope shut that blanket statement down beautifully.

I’m a woman and I’d love to see our first female president and I’ll vote for Hill if she gets the nom. But like... the policy differences between Obama and Hill were a lot smaller than the differences between Hill and Bernie. I dont think you can really compare the two.

Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

150 well respected economists reviews Sanders’s plan and said they endorsed it.

10 economists reviewed Hillary’s plan and are all conveniently lobbyists or have conflicts of interstes because they work as op-ed columnists for papers that endorsed her several times (like Krugman at NYT).

The same goes for Hillary’s

Hold onto your knickers, let’s take a step back and see where we are...

I’m going to go through this point by point.

Well, I mean there’s only one candidate on either side who is likely to reduce spending on military and re-invest it domestically in things like roads or- Jesus! Imagine the fore-thought- education. It’s my opinion that in elections like these, a constituency gets really hung up on one or two issues because they

It’s Jezebel, you actually have people crapping on Sanders for being old, but ignoring Hillary’s age because she’s a woman, and women tend to live longer. Hillary could come out and start parroting Trump talking points, and the people on this site would be all in favor of it. Hillary is Nixon reincarnated(Brilliant,

Well if Bernie doesn’t answer then Hillary won’t have anything to parrot.

The problem isn’t that Bernie doesn’t want to debate - it’s that the DNC didn’t want to add any new debates and the Clinton campaign wouldn’t agree to more debates, but now that New Hampshire is coming up, Hillary Clinton is suddenly super interested in more debates.

“everyone agreed to add more debates” Yes, but something is missing, DETAILS, whats so hard to undertstand about that. Hillary is dancing around not wanting to nail down the exact where and when of these debates.

You said you wanted more debates...

ACTUALLY it’s more like Bernie’s backyard, as he grew up there. She’s part of the gentrification wave ;)

If you don’t want a debate in New York because you don’t think you’ll do well... Isn’t there a bigger issue at hand?