
This list sounds like it was made by a person who doesn’t know why social media was invented and doesn’t know how to use social media. This list should be cut in half and posting a death of a friend or family6 member maybe a Debby downer ,but it may alert someone who may need to know of a death and is a way for them

Reporting from the year 1 Anno Premo Donald or the year of our lord 2017 in your Gregorian calender. I don’t have much time Donald Trump or as he in now known “Agent Orange” is now our president and took away my Obama phone and I’m forced to use my old, 1 year old galaxy Note, which may explode at any minute. So you

Reporting from the year 1 Anno Premo Donald or the year of our lord 2017 in your and I don’t have much time Final Trump or as he’s known now “Agent Orange”  is now our president and took away my Obama phone and I’m forced to use  my old 1 year galaxy note which may explode at any minute. So you need to get word