
Sub2 is how many wins the Browns will get this year.

Let me restate then — “race doesn’t matter, btw I’m black”

He’s tried to make me geaux to rehab
I won’t geaux, geaux, geaux.

Oh you Americans have yet to appreciate the finer parts of soccer (which we be referred to as football due to my Scottish roots refusing to type that word more than once) and this, no matter what you may think, is one of them.

The goal mouth scramble is one of the seven wonders of football; it is up there with

Now playing

Here’s how Great Footballing Nations play defense

The lake really is very salty, I don’t understand the confusion here.

They’re basically Milford Men

These stories are always the best when they come from a team that royally sucks ass.

Screen name synergy really elevates this comment.

This is a civil trial. Can’t be found “guilty” in a civil trial, only liable for damages

Tim Tebow Struggles To Follow Baseball’s Unwritten Commandments

Just two guys who met their ends via a piece of wood.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the strong-armed and the tyranny of fast-throwing men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the bases. For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost rhythm. And I will

4(0) days and 40 strikes

I was trying to figure out who Jesus Rose is.

If I’m not incorrect, he’s pretty devout and his religious practice clearly discourages purposeful contact with balls.

“Tim Tebow Can Raise The Dead, But Not His Batting Average”

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

“I’m a man! I’m 4G!”

If ESPN keeps losing people at this rate I might start watching again!