When the hell did Shep come back?
When the hell did Shep come back?
Like most writers on this site, this guy is a hack. He did a best basketball shoe review and gave it to the shoe that he specifically said didn’t do any one function above average. GizMEdia has hired idiots.
Like most writers on this site, this guy is a hack. He did a best basketball shoe review and gave it to the shoe…
Code doesn’t work.
Code doesn’t work.
Pop is actually one of the kindest individuals I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. He does so much charity work around San Antonio and he goes out of his way to avoid the media attention for that work. If you’re not from SA , you would never know it.
Holy crap she’s good!
Also, I need that sled thingy at the end. Just for fun.
It’s in one of the books they left out. I never got consulted on any of the books they wrote.
Wrong. I’m a huge Summit League Supporter.
These people only write about sport and leisure. They don’t understand it, do it, or anything it aside from write about it.
Thank you for this well written write up. As a Mexican American Lacrosse coach, I have experienced racial discrimination from other coaches, refs and YOUTH players.
Some very subtle like a ref said once, “I’m glad to see they include minorities as coaches. Makes you think one day they might be good enough to actually…
Reporting you to the proper authorities. That’s psychopathic talk.
They don’t pay me to put in any effort.
Because the next guy in line talks to an imaginary guy names Jesus for all his decisions and would very much like the USA to be a theocratic republic with a hint of autocracy.
There is a fine balance between
yeah you could have set garbage on fire and got a better show than those two bands.
Our Love - Gary Clark Jr.
Miami Sound Machine really must have lost a lot when Gloria Estefan left.
You must be fun. Please list something fun and light-hearted that you enjoy watching or doing so the rest of us may shit on it!
If you’ve been here awhile, it is because he can’t keep a consistent stance on anything. He also can’t make coherent arguments. He makes a 10 word write up into 15000 words.
I was banned because I made a point for point factual rebuttal, with about 15 sources, on one of his very first posts. I received a nasty email…