
This is the most ridiculous argument. She signed up to do work for him, and the work involved nudity. Was the nudity in the contract? Did she disagree with the nudity? Is there a problem with nudity in film? This wasn’t like some personal photography, she signed up to work on a film project and the film included

Disagree calling this a holy trinity. The Mayweather fight was exactly what it was. It was not a swindle. It accomplished exactly what it set out to be which was an entertaining fight. And let’s be honest likely had an overall positive effect on boxing. It for sure lured in some UFC fans and many casual fans

Looks like a win for Canelo, he landed all three punches apparently

A) Your comments are incredibly stupid, and only a very stupid person would write them. I mean, its one of those rare comments that is legitimately so incredibly idiotic and thoughtless that its hard to even know how to reply to it. Since GGG is a knockout machine, that means he should have lost just by virtue of not

They’re not talking about his penis?

Well, speaking only of the ones I’ve played recently, I can highly recommend:

did you read the fucking article, idiot? that was one of the first questions answered.

those kamikaze pilots were a hoot, let me tell you

In other words, just lock the car from the inside before exiting and closing the door.

F that, there needs to be a stigma for suicide. Unless terminally ill, you SHOULD feel like suicide is wrong. Normalizing it is idiotic.

I didn’t figure it out until the actual reveal, because I am a Millenial, and need to be checking my phone, email, and twitter while watching a show, thus missing roughly half of what is going on.

Aren’t we all?