Jesus Presley

My MIL navigates for Team Heck Yeah - and they are a rad pair of ladies!!! Good luck ladies - go gettum! Looking forward to my daughter joining the team in a few years!

The Tesla Model S should also be on this list... since it sparked a shift in thinking of what BEVs could be and the effects of that design are still playing out today. 

I don’t remember that part of Henry Ford’s history where with his huge fortune bought an already esblished car company and took credit for all it’s windfall after he took over,

Now playing

Has Musk ever made any anti-semitic remarks? He seems like that sorta edgelord that would do that.

It was the first car to outsell the Model T IIRC too.

Yes, the car promoted/designed in part by Hitler.   :)

You mentioned it.

Yeah, road rage, donut spare and no skills.  Three for three.

But without the green arrow, you don’t know if the traffic coming the other way has a red or not.

This is some victim blaming bullshit, and assumes that all pedestrian strikes occur when the pedestrian is entering the cross-walk from the “right” side of the road.

As a pedestrian, I‘ve literally never had an issue with vehicles turning right on red. That's because I'm an intelligent human being who understands that it's important to make eye contact with the driver of that vehicle, or otherwise ensure that they are clearly not going to start moving when I step in front of them.

I will defend the left turn arrow. No it’s not warranted at every single intersection, but it is really necessary in certain spots where you would probably need to sit through 4 or 5 light cycles before you could even hope to get a gap. 

Nah, leave it up to local municipalities to make their call. I’ve had countless hours of my life wasted yearly due to having to wait at intersections at red lights where absolutely zero cars passed through the intersection for the entirety of the light cylce as I was waiting for green. I’d add ban the bs left turn

A computer however does not make a great phone.

The lady at Little Caesars Pizza made fun of me last year like this as well. I ordered my pizza online and when I went to pick it up (5 minutes after the scheduled time and it still wasn’t ready) she told me to pull into the parking lot and she would call when it was ready. I told her I didn’t have a cell phone and

But how else are you supposed to listen to your favorite conservative/Christian radio hosts ?

The only order I need on the interstate is you moving to the right.

Don’t be silly, it’s significantly more likely the kids will find the gun & shoot each other before mom ever gets a chance to defend them w/ it.

So his wife can get into gunfights with the kids nearby? Yeah, seems like a really great idea.