Jesus Presley

Review bombing a game that’s been out for years and widely considered excellent.

Weed actually does that for me, strangely enough. I don’t know why but when I’m stoned I’m rock hard and just don’t come. But when I do holy shit.

Thanks, that makes more sense.

Okay let’s do the first one now.

Do you still see everyone on the map in survival mode?

I’ll wager RATM’s S/T was what you describe to a T. Killing in the name and Know your enemy are ripe for disobeying your teachers.

Mouse look and support for widescreen resolutions that I know of. Probably more. Mouselook is amazing for SS1

You can hide the HUD structure and only have the text and icons on screen like this

Good article. I always love to learn more about Nightdive.

Yep, a fine observation.

This is my other kinja with the same name, but different account. Never logged out of it and deleted my facebook so if I flush my cookies, this kinja is also gone forever.

oooooh baby thank you for this

Jean-Luc Brassard, a Canadian Olympic hero, pulled out of the Canadian olympic association because he was sick and fucking tired of having to negotiate space for private jets instead of sporting facilities.

My GF who owns a fit just remarked on how the grey color is also applied on the doors, making the artistic intent unquestionable.

Well did you put a cup holder on it?

Holy shit Spider Milk is a great name for a band

Frosty Canadian here.

There have been more recent ones.


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