Jesus Presley

Alright Tracy I’ll tell you what.

The first Lada ones are hilarious. They look like skinny arms doing curls.

My brim is flat as fuck for you guys.

How is it a failure of reading comprehension when the person who wrote the text that was read made a mistake that completely changes the meaning of the text?

How can anyone “only have savings because they spend too much”?

I’m sure you mean unfortunate.

Wait, you got a master in philosophy and the best way you found to apply it to real situations is to make racially charged blanket statements?

The only people I know who don’t have savings are people who spend too much.

Gonna guess.... you’re in college.

It’s just social entertainment for the masses.

Monster truck drivers are the most underrated in all of motorsports.

It also appears to now require a constant internet connection to work.

Old pickups are the best projects if you’re looking for something simple to start out with

Pay him a beer for me willya

Been thinking that for a while. Pro gamers have about the same psycho ratio as any pro league.

Exactly, a guy who just walks up to someone and rubs their dicks against them is far beyond the point where “I’m sorry but no” will do anything to their brains.

Conan O’Brien drives one

We tried drugs, it didn’t fix your soul....

Now playing

Yes they do, and they can also pass through shit