Jesus Presley

Good to know, cause I’ll be rooting for these bastids.

That Vanagon....

So, because Hitler was a sick puppy, all objets that relate to his era in any capacity should be thrown out, in order to shelter the feeble minds of post-war humans?

Don’t you know that history does not discriminate?

Well.....they present themselves by being passionate about something and going out to pursue this passion in concrete ways that benefit history in the long run.

Think I’m going to leave work early.

What do you mean “forgot”?

So someone who collects serial killer memorabilia is a repressed lunatic.

It’s good that you guys report these homebrew events.

And a medium Timmy Ho’s

It’s 100% worth playing just to experience a bush fire going out of control in the middle of a tense firefight.

Thank you for that.

Just get the fuck out of the left lane and everything will be fine.

I’m conflicted about this.

She really gave him the D

He got all the help he ever needed, he didn’t care.

Wouldn’t even pay that kind of money for a real E46 if the history is nebulous, no pictures of the engine or suspention work, you’re just buying some guy’s words.

That very last recovery is probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

I think “mass” is much better cause that’s exactly hat I picture in my head. A steamroller of terrified human flesh from which screams and various limbs emanate, lumbering down the station just collecting stragglers and small pets, increasing in size.

A mass of humanity.