Jesus Presley


Man it looks like a computer generated car on some pictures.

It all depends on how deep the imperfections are.

I never understood how even the test mule could be remotely associated with the SUV monicker.

The phone does, the earbud’s don’t.

The problem is they sound like shit, which is why people who actually listen to music invest in good headphones.

No, it doesn’t. You either charge or listen to music.

No, Bluetooth streaming sound quality is fucking abysmal.

I had a Samsung intensity until a couple years ago for the same reason. I “upgraded” to a samsung galaxy ace 2x which is the equivalent of driving around in an ‘87 topaz but it works well. I’m not crazy about the keyboards either. I have greasy fingers naturally so the screen gets dirty, and then it starts to act up.

Well, I still own my old, army camo, cassette based panasonic shockwave and when I listen to say it ain’t so, the headphones still vibrate in very satisfying ways.

That is true.

I know and I do too, I just thought it was funny. Wasn’t really looking to start shit.

“It isn’t the first time that Apple was the first to ditch stuff. Remember the floppy drive or CD/DVD drive.”

I thought the main purpose of phones were to text and call people.

I don’t know what it means for my car, but I know what it means for me and it means I’m not getting any closer to buying an apple product.

And where do I make friends like you?

Oh okay she’s a woman, but her act isn’t really pro-woman and that’s somehow detrimental to what she does.

I serve my cat Brita water

Need for speed 2

I’m all for ground clearance but isn’t it weird that the tiny brake line is the lowest part of the rear axle? What gives?