
And I knew I would get at least one response from a brainwashed trump supporter. You guys are smoking crack. So you seriously praise a man who on one hand scolds our closest and most important allies and yet bends over backwards to praise the likes of Putin and Kim? You think its great that his agenda is rife with

Ding Ding Ding! That’s EXACTLY his “negotiation” tactic.

For a guy who brags about making deals, it certainly seems he doesn’t make deals at all, he just threatens until he gets his way. 

Lexus knows you like buttons so they made a little secret stash of buttons just for you

I have a way more diecasts than I currently have room to display. I mainly stick to 1:18 and 1:43.

True Jalops heat their water on a fire pit and wash their cars outside during winter.

That wealth is going to start trickling down any time now!

I dig the color. Green on any car in 2006 was uncommom.

It’d feel really weird for my left leg.

You sure it’s not a Lincoln?

Wrong coast on this short of notice :( Have fun though, and best of luck to everyone attending!

The police have released an image of the driver that night:

Why not a SR-71 Blackbird? I know it’s small-ish, but on the bright side the president could arrive virtually anywhere in the world in about 5 hours to insult leaders of other countries personally.

How could it possibly be perceived as a win for him? He took literally no concrete action to do anything because he doesn’t actually wield any power until he’s sworn in.

And even so, UAW agreements have locked in these jobs anyway. If there’s anybody to credit for keeping production around it’s unions.

No way? Bush did too!

You’d prefer that elected officials just lie at will with no one pointing it out?

Nah, just haven’t gotten the chance to stick them back on.

So they’re hunting in packs now? Its going to be a massacre.

3 mustangs and 2000 bystanders? May the odds be ever in your favor!