
I asked my teenage kid about it...He didn’t understand it. I can only hope that means he’s maturing. ;)

Why are you willing to eat battery farm meat? there is plenty available that comes from a system that even if not perfect, is much better. At prices comparable to regular meat if you plan (Whole Foods always has some cut on sale for around $5 a pound). By planning around sales and eating less meat (or being smarter

Here’s a plan: next year, let’s all the women show up at carnival fully clothed and stone-cold sober, and see how the menfolk like that. Not at all, is gonna be my guess. Not at all.

What kind of man is he? What kind of society is Trinidad that elects this guy for office? Let your imagination roll.

I try. I try so hard with Kanye, because I think some of the shit that is rained down on him has at least a little to do with the color of his skin, but good lord that man is a full-fledged man-child asshole. It’s like performance art at this point, but really bad performance art where the guy stands in the middle of

“get more life coaching.”

Bitch can take SEVERAL seats. “Racist to whites” isn’t a thing, because racism is prejudice PLUS institutional power, and white people are the ones with institutional power. It’s 2016, and there’s frankly no excuse for such self-indulgent ignorance. She can come back once she reads a damned book: preferably, Ta-Nehisi


I just feel terrible for Huma. As someone who has had her share of bad boyfriends, her position - the higher-profile partner of a raging narcissist - just seems to authentically suck.

*sigh* Winter in the Midwest you don't ever assume "someone picked her up" you call and freaking check! Mad at you or not, you keep calling.

And not just “Go get our girl” but Carrie saying to Big “Take me home.” Like she couldn’t take herself home. Like she needed a man to take her home. I thought that ending was horrible, horrible, and not that I was in love with the series but still, a betrayal of its essential theme, of independent women rising above,

I honestly appreciate your (what I perceive as) restraint when referring to this woman’s “ecstasy” being based on disease and self-imposed starvation. I am a recovering catholic (that shit is hard to shake) and have what I consider to be a finely-honed contempt for that b-s and everything associated with it. I respect

I didn’t want to read this. The headline was awful enough. I knew how this would play out and I just couldn’t. But then I though, fuck, I need to read this because this shit happened to a real life lady. They raped her (cop, lawyers, investigators, all of them) over and over again. And that rapist only got 9 years -


“...he’s only reading at a second grade level.”

Well now he’ll only be speaking at toddler level.