
your problem is not with dogs but with homeless people looks like.

I’ve been kinda disappointed that there isn’t a Jezebel Rupaul’s Drag Race All Stars thread happening (I’ve been participating in the discussion for the weekly recap over at AV club). Anyone watching All Stars? Anyone else dying for PhiPhi to go home or wanna talk about their fave looks that slayed the runway so far??

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to my father, Marine Corp Colonel Samuel Tillett for his courageous and near fatal actions, attempting to save as many lives as possible 15 years ago today in his position as head of security at The Pentagon. When the plane hit my father was not but a hundred feet from the

What does “America is the ark of Noah” even mean?

Every fucking thing out of Trump’s mouth requires 8 or 9 people to follow up and try to explain what he REALLY meant. It’s amazing for a man with the best words. I would love for someone to ask one of his post-explainers, ‘Why is it that everything he says has to come with footnotes?”

Tom Cruise was right — Matt Lauer is glib.

Pastor Kioko added: “But we noticed the man was determined to leave. So it was agreed that they live in peace in their separate homes

Sadly I don’t have kids. But as bad as things can be sometimes, watching my niece and nephew grow up is do wonderful. Last Sunday I was visiting them and my nephew half asleep reached up and hugged me. All the troubles I had just faded away.

I’m confused about why you see that as a gendered term. Stupidity comes in both genders.

Cowardly weak men who cling so desperately to their fragile masculinity, have no intention of allowing change to occur easily.

It’s really sad that what she was trying to accomplish in life will now only be accomplished because of her death. You’d think that in the 21st century there would no longer be any need for people to become martyrs.

Progress. Qandeel’s death brought change that will hopefully save many from facing similar situations. Hopefully.

So many honour killings are committed by mothers in law, sisters, aunts and mothers. This is a problem that goes way beyond a gender demographic. (How much easier it would be if it didn’t though....)
Feeling the hatred with you sister

I hate men.

I think if you say something like this

It was a powerful message and brought tears to my eyes.

Supposedly bacon will kill you, but they will pry it from my cold dead hand. The other hand will have a wine glass.

She's probably been hit in the head by one too many pairs of Adidas.

I wish we could not use so much oil. That would be even better.