
I don’t think exposing your bodily fluids to folks who haven’t consented to that is ok. Like it’s understandable if you’ve cut yourself and you need to clean and bind it or something but it would be beyond discourteous to other people to wash your period implements in a shared sink especially if there are other people

Yes. And there is so much shaming in these comments about how and what people put into thier vaginas. We get enough of it in our daily lives and are made to feel dirty just for having periods. Please, please let us use what makes us feel comfortable. No woman is less than if she uses Pearl over her fingers.

I But what you’re saying is that on a heavy flow day at work I have to insert my tampon and then carry out this bloody, clot covered applicator over to the sink and wash it out? Conversely, wrap it up in fifty yards of tp, put it in my pocket/purse until i can get to a sink alone somewhere?

I don’t understand why everyone thinks that women who don’t use o.b. are scared of their own blood. And I have to wonder if the women who use them have half as gory a frigging period as I do. Because I have used o.b. before when I was out of mine (on more than one occasion) and I have literally waited in the bathroom

Almost the entirety of modern american culture is meant to make me uncomfortable. Excuse me if I don’t give a shit about the waste generated once a month by maybe a dozen tampons during a time for the comfort of my own damn genitals.

These are a nice try, but in reality an extremely small percentage of our recyclable plastic waste is actually recycled even if you put it in the correct bin. Because of the sheer volume of our plastic waste, a lot of it is just shipped to other countries to sit in their landfills.

I have always preferred cardboard applicators, but at this point in my life the only tampon that works for me, and even sometimes that’s not enough is the Tampax ULTRA. It’s roughly the size of a small baseball bat, and it ONLY comes in a plastic applicator. After decades of using cardboard applicators, using plastic

God, the diva cup people rival veagans in their recruitment efforts.

I’d probably get one and then forget it at home every time I went out and end up bumming a normal plastic one off my friend anyway. So, I’m not sure I’d be much help as a trailblazer.

Conservative Protestant churches includes fundies, quiverfull, Christian scientists. Protestant churches are all Christian churches that are not Catholic.

Where’d you get this take from? Herd immunity most definitely includes a vaccinated population.

Are there reliable, trustworthy, and non-right wing internet sources that indicate that refugees are coming in without vaccinations?

It’s only personal freedom if you give up all the other benefits of being in a society. Wanna live alone in the woods? Fine. Want to live in a crowded area where disease can be easily transmitted - get with the program.

The vast majority of cases come from selfish people not doing their part and instead relying on herd immunity for their child’s protection (and harming those that truly can it be vaccinated in the process). There should be legal consequences where they are required to be vaccinated and then slapped in the face by a

Yeah, but they also had about 10 fewer diagnoses of autism across the continent so it’s really a wash. /s

I took for granted anti-vaxxers in good ol’ America just as the night follows day but Europe? What’s next, the right to bear arms?

I feel people who are adamant about top sheets don’t use duvet covers. Of course nobody uses just the bare comforter/duvet.

Uh, what? No they’re not. They talk CONSTANTLY through the performances.

My taxes are paying for Cheeto-face to go golfing every weekend. Get a grip.

For the millionth time, let’s focus on the men, not the women.