
Whatever chucklefuck first decided that abortion is the moral equivalent of murder, and that late-term abortions are tantamount to inhumane medical treatment should have been burned at the stake.

No, she was just excited about soccer practice, you know, like a 5 year old. Annoying to an outsider, probably, but common decency means you keep that in your head. When you’re more focused on ‘hot takes’ than decency, you are the pissant.

Yes, calling a 5 year old girl an annoying pissant is so grown up

Phoenix PD told me that nothing has changed since yesterday, so this is not a case of the other shoe dropping (like the lab results coming back) today. Looks like either they suspended him first because of it being such a chaotic day or it wasn’t immediately apparent to WWE that he had already spoken to the Phoenix

As a victim of abuse, I can tell you it is taxing every day of my life. It is hell. If he wants sympathy, let the devil provide it when he lands in hell. This monster should have to hear the victim impact audio on loop replay in his cell every minute of every day for the rest of his life.

You have to have an incredible privilege to work in a place that allows this kind of thing.

Most people don’t have paid sick time. Most people are lucky to have any sick time all. Most sick time is about 5 business days. Missing an entire week of work can make a lot of people homeless. Not to mention, most people still can’t afford medical insurance, so getting sick means staying sick far longer than is

This. What incredibly naive advice.

What is it lately with The Root and rhetorical headlines? Hell yeah they faked his physical. You think his fat non exercising ass is in any shape but round?

Do you really need to ask if the obese looking man who wears baggy suits to hide his massive girth is really in “excellent health”? He tries to hide his obesity, but there’s a ton of pictures of him in his golf attire. That is not the shape a man of “excellent health” has, no matter the age. Then you throw in the fact

“Second, without knowing ANY details of the shooting, this sound like it was “shoot first, ask questions later” situation”

I don’t think you need to project a lot onto her to dislike Kerrigan. You could just dislike her for the snotty way she treated Oksana Baiul after she lost to her at the Olympics.

I know it makes me an awful person for saying this, but I don’t care what she has to say. Yes, she worked hard her whole life to get to the Olympics, and it was taken from her. She is a victim. I just don’t like her. She seems like she was a victim, before she was a victim. Like everyone had to treat her like a

Why are we even dragging the troll out the greys?

Yes, it’s the woman’s fault for all of this. You’re totally right.


I mean, I agree with the sentiment, but

Now playing

i get it....recency bias and all and it’s a fine show but it’s no....
