
I will never understand how “centrist” (i.e. far right in the rest of the world) Democrats label universal health care, when practically every developed nation has it, and tuition free college, when many developed nations have it, snarkily and condescendingly as “unicorn” policies in the richest nation in the history

But don’t give her credit for getting women out of the kitchen last generation. She got out herself. She didn’t organize.

We Latinos know why older Cubans vote for Republicans, I’m talking about the rest of us. We are fine with people making assumptions about us, god only knows they won’t talk to us or block walk our neighborhoods or whatnot. Biding our time while white people butcher themselves and race towards the bottom of who can

2000s fashion was horrible. The teens were doing great, it was all 90s part deux, until cold shoulders came along. Cold shoulders are the worst. I can’t until 10 years from now when cold shoulders are #1 on the list of 2010s fashion what were we thinking and I can be super smug and be like I called that in 2016! Just

Why do people think this? They look good on skinny women with small hips. Do we not count as people? Plus they are easy to fit into if you have a small hip to waist ratio.

I’m glad they’re back, because as someone with a rather short waist, low rise jeans actually fit me, whereas even mid-rise jeans come up too high on me, and high-rise jeans comes up to my ribs.

The White Feminism going on in the comments is disappointing but I’m not surprised. Jessica is always talking about diversity but she doesn’t put her money where her mouth is. She has been tone deaf often on this issue. And quite frankly her calling out the lack of diversity was only after a bunch of black women on

An opinion is an opinion, and you’re far from alone in not liking this movie, but did we really need to know who Snoke was?

Cool. Hey, guys, I found the representative of non-Americans everywhere.

You cannot be a hero without being a fool in Buffalo.

... but you’d have to use your fake tree for about twenty Christmases before it became a better environmental bet than a real tree. That’s bad news for most fake tree fiends, as the average lifespan for an artificial tree is more like six years, and especially for folks who go trendy with their fake trees—you

I hope this case does not stop women who have been assaulted from coming out.

I just moved to Louisville a few months ago and when I started listening I remembered hearing all about this guy a few years ago- he made national news for posting a picture of apes and comparing them to the Obamas.

I’m in Lexington, and I’m wondering how in the hell I missed all this. I really need to start paying attention to local/state news.

I am so, so worried about her.

This gives me a bad feeling. The last thing victims of sexual assault need is to be charged with the suicide of their abuser, and I fear this sort of thing becoming ammunition against accusers. I remember my mother, a fairly respectable prosecutor, pronouncing her concerns that Weinstein would be driven to suicide by

I am deeply, deeply angry on behalf of his victim, if he did this as a final act of control. It’s possible she may never get vindication or justice now and I firmly believe that was a big part of his motive.

There’s a lot more going on with his suicide than just him being exposed as a rapist. I say this because there is going to be an avalanche of blame (and harassment and worse) directed at his victim. Before he blessedly relieved the Earth of his presence, a local public radio station was publishing an ongoing

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I don’t think they’ve learned their lesson yet to make it that far.

As someone who lives in Alabama, I’m not that surprised he won. I know a lot of people look at Alabama as a third world state with burnt necks and confederate flags, but it’s definitely gotten better. People are more progressive than you would think and it’s really the older generation that is holding us back.