
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

Your context is unimportant.

Watch a version of the video that doesn’t skip a beat while Jefferson is walking off the field and then revisit your timeline of events.

The context does not at all excuse fans throwing shit at players. You don’t do that ever, even if a player is “acting like a child.” It seriously amazes me that you or anyone else would think that is ever an ok thing to do at a game.

No, shit got thrown at him as he was headed for the tunnel. That’s what caused him to deviate over to start yelling. Then more shit started getting thrown, leading him to try to climb the wall and go Artest on someone.

Nope, he was walking off when someone threw something at him and that is when he deviated from leaving the field.

yes, and southern people too. SNL just offended 90% of alabama by playing up the “dumb sloppy hick” bit. They hurting Jones more than helping him!

i agree. it’s also the depiction of her being this southern trope: dumb, fat, sloppy woman. sanders is totally worthy of criticism, but playing into the stale stereotypes is lazy comedy. plenty of the jokes were funny (i liked the “peach” blush joke re: impeachment) so the fat shaming and general depiction not

It’s not about defending Sanders, it’s about the right and wrong way to treat people and it’s about collateral damage. As someone currently in treatment for an eating disorder, it doesn’t matter that body shaming is directed at people we consider “evil”, it matters that I can look at them and compare myself to them

This woman is odious, but not because of her looks or her weight, but because of her politics.

That’s nice for you, but in my experience you’re hardly the norm.

Or maybe you need to realize that once you start trashing people for petty things like their appearance instead of for their values or their actions, you’ve shown the world who you truly are. You don’t get to be angry at everyone else for calling you out for that ugliness.

As a fat person myself, hearing fat jokes about anyone bothers me very much.

The thing is though, when you fat-shame Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you’re not *just* fat-shaming Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You’re trashing the millions of women who look just like her and you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think they hear this shit and don’t take it as a personal blow. It’s no different than people who

I’ve never laughed at anything Chelsea Handler said. Never. I watched her youtube clip of going to a wedding in India... just more proof that she’s a racist, wilfully ignorant ass.

I don’t worry about Sanders’ self-esteem. What I worry about is the message it sends to others, particularly young girls: “everyone knows that being fat is a worse crime than defending a racist”. Meaning if you are a nice girl who happens to be fat the message is you should be ashamed of yourself, because the person

I’m not replying to mean things, or to fat-shaming. She’s bustier, and she has a chin that makes her face look heavier than the rest of her body. She stands behind a podium. This woman is odious, but not because of her looks or her weight, but because of her politics. Because she supports this administration. The

A lot of the “joke” also seemed to be “she’s from the South and sounds stupid”.

This reminds me of that roast of Ann Coulter where so many just resorted to “lol horse face ugly lady” instead of poking at any of the incredibly low-hanging fruit that Ann Coulter offers.

I clicked on it. I suffered through it. It wasn’t funny.