
Winter Storm Georgia O’Keefe

I get misty. Then I get a little jealous (because my father was a garbage father and is a garbage person). Then I get happy again because my husband is an excellent father and my kids are so happy to spend time with him.

Except on places other than Jezebel, there are people screaming that he is innocent. I’ve seen people erroneously claim that the rape he was wrongly imprisoned for never happened. The rape happened, but the wrong person was convicted. There is a huge difference.

This is why I haven’t watched it. The filmmakers have a strong bias. I get that part of the point was to highlight the problems of the criminal justice system. But the filmmakers were also motivated by other issues. They wanted to create a buzzworthy project and seem to have sacrificed facts in order to do so.

Chris Kluwe is running around his house like he won the Super Bowl.

we fuckin get it, you saw making a murderer.

Oh, you can fuck right off with your Bill Cosby and Patrick Kane apologia.

“Mistakes” happen all the time with rape. For instance, the time a teenager reported being violently raped by a stranger, and the police didn’t believe her and charged her with false reporting, for which she was convicted. And then years later, the police a serial rapist who documented all his rapes and found a

Man, some people seem so emotionally invested in Avery’s innocence. Not just the fact that he should have been found not guilty (which I believe), but rather that he’s completely innocent. It’s a little baffling.

KU fan here. That was the best game I’ve ever seen, and that includes the ‘08 championship. Huge respect for OU and Hield. I wouldn’t be surprised if KU and OU meet three more times this season.

As an OU fan, it’s pretty hard to even be a tiny bit upset about this game, other than the 2nd OT, this game was amazing to watch beginning to end, by two teams who clearly deserved and deserve to be ranked #1 or #2 in any poll.

Anyone lucky enough to already follow @FauxPelini before this game was treated to a Twitter showing from another plane.

The Vane was an amazing site. Dennis’s weather writeups were both easy to digest and incredibly informative. I don’t who made the decision to give that one the axe, but it was a mistake.

This needs a star every time. Gawker dumped the Vane, when weather was becoming a constant story.

If only Gawker employed someone to write in depth about the weather...

Kluwe’s really having trouble finding work, huh?

I so hope that the John Hornacek named in the article is Jeff Hornacek’s ne’er do well younger brother.

Yes, but George, when you ruin your children, sometimes the state has to take them away from you for their own welfare.