
I hate to break it to you but there’s a direct apple and tree thing going on there, and I don’t mean just from Rainier.

How is it possible? Because Grace Kelly was an illusion, my dear. A true actress personally and professionally. Deep down she was simply a broad from Philly. Public thinks “Princess” in reality as one director summed her up- she was the kind of woman who “would fuck a doorknob is she could”. Thus most of her

T1.5 is an actual disease, though - not a combo box between 1 and 2. Look up LADA, or Late-Onset Adult Diabetes.

A serious question, if any of these potential allegations are true, what is the big deal? So often athletes take banned drugs (that are not always illegal but just banned by their leagues) to prolong their career or recover more quickly. Why is that such a bad thing? We praise advancement in pretty much every other

Dave Rappoccio is hard at work tonight trying to create a Manningface shoulder shrug emoticon.

DFW area, so pretty safe to say McMansion. The real rich Texas people - like old oil money socialite level - all live in River Oaks or Memorial in Houston.

The loss of Yub Nub is unforgivable.


My biggest issues:

Maybe I’m missing something but it doesn’t say anywhre in that article that she delivered the fetus or that it was outside of her body after the abortion attempt. The hospital should have treated this as a miscarriage due to self-induced abortion attempt.

I watched my ex die of alcoholism and I think you’re wrong. In my opinion Pettine is probably the best friend Manziel has right now because he’s the only one who seems to understand that if Manziel is an alcoholic, he’s in a fight for his life, and if a desire to play football can help him to stick to his recovery

Common Core

Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...

Welp! I am going to tell these folks what they tell us unarmed black men...”if you don’t wanna get fucked up listen to authority no matter how wrong, angry, un-trained, and stupid they are.” Yeah it sounds just as stupid when they tell us to do that with the Police.

makes me so happy to see Baylor get whopped. And I don’t live anywhere near Texas or give any kind of shit about Texas but fuck Baylor. Their coach is dirty, their program is dirty, fuck that school

I remember reading recently that the media were applauding Rusty for “forgiving” Andrea for murdering their kids and all I could think was well isn’t that fucking magnanimous of him. She was severely mentally ill and he ignored the doctor’s orders not to have any more children. Add in the Quiverfull movement, which

SEC fans are the Yolanda Saldívar of sports fans.

I got two words for you — or anyone else — to throw at any moron who’s happy about Richt being gone: Phillip Fulmer.

I think there’s a big Activity disparity in the orgs. The Boy Scouts program is pretty set in stone when it comes to outdoor activities, and later branches out. I learned things like civics, finance, computer science, and cooking from scouting, but the major ranks still have a heavy emphasis on outdoorsmanship.

Guh. Does EVERYTHING that once was good have to be rebooted in the most obvious and mediocre way possible? I’m not one of those “don’t try you might fail” types, but does it all need to be revisited with fan service casting?