Depends on the restaurant and the server
Depends on the restaurant and the server
This dude’s diatribe reads like a coherent Springs1 rant.
I’m 32 and feeling incredible pressure to have children. It’s the worst.
Why is that, in your opinion?
the majority of kids who go to Lamar are pretty affluent, as well.
I attended public school in Houston from 1987-1999 and got an awesome sex education in Cy-Fair ISD. This whole abstinence only, lalalala-I-can’t-hear-you, if we don’t talk about the s-e-x nobody will have it bullshit started somewhere around 2001 (in Houston, at least.)
HISD has a whooooooole lot more shit they should be concerning themselves with than blocking websites.
I hate Landry’s and I hate Fertitta. I hope he rots.
Everyone keeps talking about “blue bottles” in Australia but they’re just smaller versions of those godawful Portuguese Man O’War fucks that invade Galveston every year.
I double up on the Always Infinity Radiant overnights (one in front, one in back, stuck together) and it works well for the hell that is my endometriosis-induced clots bigger than my head every month.
Three. Three of them exploded, one was half full (with the top still on?) and two were fine. Whoops.
After my grandma’s funeral in New Jersey, I bought a six-pack of Yuengling to bring back to Texas with me since you can’t get Yingers there. I also had my mother’s wedding dress in my suitcase since my grandma had that in her house, but I was smart enough to put it in one of those vacuum-sealed bags. Glad I did,…
well that’s two known innocent victims dead while this piece of dung lives
it’s still up, and it was mocking the prayers for rain
Emma Roberts and Lea Michele. Eesh, no thanks.
they sent out letters telling everyone about this, I’m not quite sure why this is even an article except for a really weak attempt to shit on the Cubs/Cubs fans
but wait, I thought it was time for the Rockets to go home??
The Bellas have been in the WWE for almost a decade. Showing a modicum of improvement over the past year, wow, such greatness. Much mindblowing. They still suck.
Publix stuff is fantastic. I’m constantly surprised by how high-quality certain things of theirs are. Even my boyfriend loves the hell out of their 40-calorie low-carb (I’m diabetic) bread.
Yeah, especially in Pittsburgh when there’s an NHL playoff game going on across town.