Round and Round

This makes total sense. Tarantino is the kind of guy who is narcissistic/confident enough to write some masturbatory bullshit but also self aware enough to realize that it is bullshit and scrap it for something a little less masturbatory. And I say that as a fan.

Rebel Moon screenwriter says Zack Snyder’s vision now includes a six-movie “trilogy”.”

I just imagined for a second a Zack Snyder version of ‘The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ and the mere concept made my soul leave my body.

Will each installment also get an even longer Director’s Cut?

Good point. Maybe Supes would finally get to fight that giant spider!

I dunno; a James Cameron Superman movie would be interesting if nothing else.

Leave the world behind got higher views than rebel moon.

Ok, here me out. We have this terrible movie everyone hates. But imagine we had like a dozen of them

This movie had the same viewer as The Old Guard and lower than The Extraction, why in the hell Netflix  want to spend more money for it.

The George Lucas worship is strong with this one. His cells have the highest concentration of mid filmmaking I have seen in a life form. It’s possible he was conceived by mid filmmaking.

But like 90% more insufferable

The results would be amusing, if unwatchable.

Im turning into J Jonah Jameson.  This man is a menace and needs to be stopped!!!

I think I’m going to use my monkey paw to have James Cameron and Zack Snyder switch franchises

So he wants to make a tv series. How innovative.

Sounds like he’s trying hard for that comedy guest Emmy!

From one lawyer to another: I checked with Lionel Hutz, and apparently the “guest with free popcorn” provides the free popcorn.

Naughty, about a woman who decides that the only way to win a custody battle against her “gaslighting trash-bag ex” is to track down Santa Claus and have him testify on her behalf.

Its probably sports cards but it'll be much funnier if it's Magic cards.

I finished Uncut Gems and I had two thoughts: