
I can understand that. At least Destro was /in/ the first one though :P

See, I’m the other way around. I loved the first film enough to wath it twice in the cinema. Silly, cartoony fun with a range of wacky characters.

I’m married to a person who needs to use one medically - my wife has no sensation from her knees to her feet, and so cannot use pedals to control a car. However, she can drive by using one of these knobs to steer, and a second adaption which maps the brakes, accelerator and indicators to a handle she operates with the

1) Don't be afraid to drop "traditional" elements - we had no cake, no music/dancing at the reception. No bridesmaids. Stuff like that.

I regularly listen to a song on repeat for extended periods. I thought it was another of my weird quirks. I'd never associated it with getting in the zone but now I think about it, it is almost exclusively when I'm working. Huh.

While not a woman, the re-designs are not limited to females, and the intent was to also rationalise backstories into something more sensible, I do have to link in Aaron Diaz's (of Dresden Codak fame) superhero reworks:…

Okay, I'll bite.

According to, "The Flight of Dragons", it's because it's comparatively soft (especially with something the size of a dragon on it) yet not-flammable, and thus actually makes excellent bedding. Which actually makes some degree of sense.

Something that has just occurred to me - an awful lot of prior futuristic fashion involves transparent materials. This is understandable, since easily created transparent materials were a novelty, therefore automatically, "The Way of the Future!" (tm).

Not my optimism :P

It definately works better for some people than others. And obviously some jobs. Very hard to see how large-scale manufacturing jobs could be de-centralised, for example (though 3D-printing may well allow small-scale design work to be spread geographically).

[ignore - accidental mid-typing publish]

I find his references to country living over the city lifestyle interesting. He spent much of his later life living in a forest in the uplands of Los Angeles, where the health benefits (particularly for his vision which had been poor since university) were quite dramatic.

Exactly the same - I've built little "docks" for my phone in all the regular places I stay stationary, so the phone (Moto Razr HD) rarely drops below 50% unless I'm out for a full day.

It depends how you define "lie", I think.

Easily. In the exit task, simply add a 15 minute wait before cancelling the silent mode.

The greeting when I get home is very simple. Setup a profile with a Wifi Connected context, and then in the associated entry task, add a "Say" action (under Misc) with the text you want.

I've effectively done this on my phone.