You are all worrying for nothing. The specific people not covering their noses with their masks are not endangering you in any way. The reason, they’re mouth breathers.
You are all worrying for nothing. The specific people not covering their noses with their masks are not endangering you in any way. The reason, they’re mouth breathers.
“Street racing is bad, don’t do it! By the way, here’s this cool dude that did 197 on public, unclosed roads. He’s awesome!”
You’re making news about them.
Preface this by saying that I love the stuff you write and the value it brings to this blog Tom. But I have to ask - is that tone how you always interact with dealers? While you’re demonstrably much more intelligent than the average salesperson, you come across a bit, shall we say, unprofessional in the exchange.
But jokes are supposed to be funny.
It’s hard as FUCK.
I Like the cut of your jib.
Threaded comments and an ability to sort chronologically would be appreciated.
This video that tracks Nico Hulkenberg’s eye movements while driving is what made me a believer in the halo. Turns out, they’re almost never looking straight ahead anyway.
Websites should only post stuff that I like and care about.
I’m suspicious of the story, but I think there are circumstances that could realistically lead here.
There is definitely a DS vibe from the boss battles at times and with the “master the weapon move-sets, not the weapon stats”
Rathalos is a pain. I forgot his talons poison, that or they added that.
Protip for Rathalos (and by extension, Rathian)
David, when shifting in your J10, do you also make imaginary engine noises? You know, because it doesn’t run...
So.. it’s anime Robot Chicken?
These are accomplishments. They’re the culmination of months and years of work by a talented team of engineers, designers, researchers, and others, and they’ve put immense amounts of work into putting together this event that you have been invited to.