Is it too much to ask them to bring in Floriana Lima as Maggie Sawyer and finally make right the wrongs the comics did to Kate all those years ago? Or has there been too much baggage from Alex/Maggie?
Is it too much to ask them to bring in Floriana Lima as Maggie Sawyer and finally make right the wrongs the comics did to Kate all those years ago? Or has there been too much baggage from Alex/Maggie?
This article: Boy, that scene was problematic, gross!
This is a prank, right? They’re not seriously following up FFX with FFX-2, right? They have to know, RIGHT?!
...and I was fine with seeing spoilers before watching it!
(Yes, I did watch it before writing this post, if that’s not obvious)
Looks like it's worth a stream :)
Upon waking up I’m sure he had so much to do, so much to see.
Wow, looks like his brain got smart but his head got dumb.
An A? Just an A? If there was ever a time to pull out the A+, this was it. This will go down as one of the best series finales ever.
It’s not a shocker that something from 1989 hasn’t aged great. It’s okay to think it wasn’t malicious and also think this is the right call.
Counterargument: HONK
Will the flooring be carpet, tile, or terf?
“Um, pretty sure that’s a romantic relationship, bro.”
Because no one here at Jezebel can just straight up say they like something.
Yeah, like that's gonma work. He played a rapist sociopath in Jessica Jones and that didn't help.
White people problems, am I right?
Every season a new professor..