
Way to continue jinxing it, Gualcit.

I wonder if this could be because the baby has essentially spent the last 9 months (more or less) listening to their mother's voice more than anyone else's.

@zophiel: Turns out humans are more harmful to the health of animals than radiation.

I wonder what movie this is viral marketing for.

@grimjack28: That's my all-time favorite SMBC.

The MRI picture chalks up the patient's system failure to "foreign metal hazard". Keen observation, MRI machine.

I have a question: how do I hang a hammock indoors?

@Pope John Peeps II: People who drive diamond cars can probably afford the insurance.

@synchronicityii: I had the exact same thought. Obviously, we aren't 100% on the measurements of mass in the universe. It seems strange to invent a concept like Dark Matter rather than admit that we can't really measure the entire universe.

@Illundiel: My friend claims that a friend of a friend met Arronofsky who told him which parts did and did not happen, though he won't tell anyone. It's stupid and obvious BS.

Reminds me of a friend who says he understands The Fountain completely, but refuses to share his theory. Makes me think even Nolan isn't 100% on this.

@Rahll: Yeah, I didn't look at the numbers at first and got pretty confused.

@cubist_zirconia: I'm sure the military can afford air conditioning. Jeez.

@effoffpunk: Huh, I've had that happen. Glad you posted this.

This means America will have to get there first and set up a military base on the sun. We'll do it at night, of course.

@danaanlugh: That. Is. Brilliant. Makes me wish I was a lawyer.

@Tipop: True enough I suppose. I guess every genre could use an injection of creativity, not just anime.

@Fuzi Lojak: Yes, because Pandas know kung fu.

@Arken: Won't most everything be irradiated in a nuclear winter?