Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

BB's Youtube channel posted Zentipede's album:

About time someone used, or in this case considered, Grand Bootyfest Hotel. I've been sitting on that porn title forever.

Audrey Hepburn was a spy?! My admiration for her just flew through the roof.

The writer's strike is imminent.

I sure hope Marvel doesn't botch things up and release the title during Infinity War's worldwide showing. But then again, most article writers do warn of spoilers so that's a good fail-safe.

The first episode was good. Started off slow, but the crazy really revved up with the servant revolt and the door gurney. Sure hope the quinceanara had ice cream for Teddy.

Titus Andromedon's relevant comments floated into my head upon hearing this line.

"Break it down now!
Winthorpe Manor!
Don't forget your manners!
Who's a party planner?
Climbing up the social ladder!
Winthorpe Manor!"

It made me fall for Charlie Cox.

Riverdale isn't perfect but it's a real soapy guilty pleasure. As for the Pussycats movie, I'll see about its value.

I'm finally getting around to watching J&TP this weekend because of all the AV love - and also to fill the void of no Riverdale.

Sounds a lot like Squirrel Girl. I'll keep an eye out for Hellcat's volumes then.

Where's Nautical Nancy?!

Oh yeah right, it's a British show. Lower episode count! I'll do that some time in May.

I promise I'll watch it, but my to-watch list is long and unwieldy. At the moment it's Daredevil and Master of None, before their new seasons / miniseries start.

Sisters After Misters

The guy sleeps?! Sure could have fooled me between his press ramblings and recurring insomniac thoughts of "Oh sweet lord, why me?"

Well shoot. I guess I do have to main it all in one week.

Says on Amazon Prime that the trial is for 30 days (unless there are restrictions on video &c.?).

Says on Amazon Prime that the trial is for 30 days (unless there are restrictions on video &c.?).