Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Early contender for AV Club retrospective '17?

I was expecting the "I'm different" thing to be like comic Jughead's asexuality. Alas not to be this season.

I expect more regarding the Pussycats next season; poor Melody is left out. And what the hey, Cheryl's social handmaidens, too.

I had to google Urban Dictionary for that one because I'm such an old.

The Oscars really screwed up that year.

Transformers did the same for me in my adolescent years too.

Man, I didn't bother to go further after that. Transformers also made me more careful of what I watch in cinemas so that's why it's my pick.

Transformers. Bleary cinematography shot through beer bottles, visually confusing CGI robots that look like Magic Eyes gone wrong, and stupid toilet humor.

I bought the hardcover of Marvel 1602. It was an enjoyable read. Some may say it's gimmicky for putting superheroes in ye olden Europe, but I liked the contrast.

And now I want this for my (eventual) thesis.

The man is more paper than water now.

I tried watching the pilot of Eyewitness. Seems pretty meh so I might just drop it.

Phone's been glitchy at times too - and it's a new one at that. Click-and-drag characters to battle doesn't always follow through.

Oof, so you weren't paying attention to the competitors' scores after each gauntlet duel? It was stated, plain as day - not to elbow your ribs or anything like that.

I finally downloaded FE: Heroes last Sunday and my gods, it's ridiculously addictive to play. Thankfully I'm too frugal to shell out money for orbs.

It was a nice callback to the first season. My how the show has grown.

The more I read all these names in the comments, the more they resonate as porn aliases.

Hey now, this is Disqus, not Twitter.

Sounds like that cockroach scene was for the series, Off the Map (a.k.a. Grey's Anatomy in the Jungle).

Exactly, Fabian is just the benchwarmer until that mystery guy comes around.