Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

New fanfic idea: Hannibal goes after the ultimate - and rudest - prize: 45.

But not Firefox?

I'd pay to have such stellar censorship whenever you-know-who rears his orange head on TV.

I was this close to giving it a B-, but a C+ is sadly about right. Undercooked relationships make it hard to care about the new characters, especially Abbey. But on the plus side, hey there Insecure's Molly! Sure hope this is the only episodic bump in the road this season.

Late to the charity gala here, but I am so going to use this in, well, life in general.

Lesson of the night: There is no shame in saying you got the wrong order, or in Mr. Beatty's case, the wrong award envelope.

Riverdale-brand Ginger Ale.

That would've been handy for Smash Bros Mii Fighter creation.

The acronym for Mr. Purdom's title is ICE, wuh-oh.

Fret not. I had to pause and recount if it was the typical three x's for porn shorthand, but nope, four. Which is like extra xxx.

Yeesh. The BB team's gonna have to salvage Gayle to a more pleasant, less spongey kind of eccentric.

He was stolen?! Which episode implied this?

My thoughts exactly. (And it's Brandi Maxxxx, but still good one)

During the hospital scene, I couldn't help but think what it was like for my dad when his father was going away in the hospital five years ago, how he must have felt like Randall did.

Here, here. Too many good cats and dogs are out on the streets (no animal shelters here) and they need homes.

Chef Cat's Cat Food: For strong bones, a shiny coat, and confident stools!

Good callout on the toad hookah. That makes total sense now.

Yeah, I have high hopes for Kevin after this episode. Things are really opening up for him since the pilot.

Sad Harpo. Yeah, that nickname's gonna stick now. Especially with graffiti of Larry Fine popping up in this episode.

Bad news. He's in the White House already.