Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Please explain?

Come on, Tituss "Andromedon" Burgess for Zazu. *fingers crossed*

Hmmmmm, very good point.

Randall's story is the only reason I'm still watching this show.

I'll just watch the Bob's Burgers homage episode again. More than half the running time but twice as rewarding.

I feel like there's a part of this review missing about Randall and William. Interesting to see both Jack and Randall's perfect facades breaking - the former out of envy, the latter from being overwhelmed.

How about orange hued figures instead? Have Fantastic 4's The Thing go all clobbering time on the Unpresident.

The broken whisk is considered a sex toy?!?

Right on this website!

Vests in Peace, Scott.

I'm so happy that Stephanie Beatriz finally realized her dream of being on Bob's Burgers. Really, she adores the show and was jealous that her B99 costar Boyle got to be on the show.

God Rest Ye Gentle Mannequins.

And he said that out loud in front of kids in the cafeteria. A lesser kid would've been humiliated, but not Louise Belcher.

Whew, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. And a month-long drought ceased by a super-filled V-Day special from the Belchers just blew up my cynical heart.

If I took a shot every time someone said "Magic Mountain" in this episode, I'd be able to provide enough bile to fill that bucket. 'Course I'd have to be Serbian for it to be of any useā€¦

I enjoyed it. It hits a good balance of offbeat undead hijinks in normal suburbia. And the dialogue and jokes are rapid-fire.

What heartless monster would steal a tissue box from an otter?!

Oh right, the pool. Good catch on that one.

Pokemon Go was released in my area, the Philippines, a month after its "worldwide" debut so there you go.

Aw, that's a shame. What turned you off about the game? And can you name at least one good thing about it?