Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Fire Emblem Heroes is still not out for mobile yet in my non-US area; it's gonna take weeks for release darnit.

This is such an A episode, even without any updates on Loki, for so many reasons mentioned in the review and comments (love ya Natalie Morales, Eric's final tell-off, the pinky toe revelation).

I overlooked Emilio in Italy, assumed Elena's thick accent was Latina-based, and presumed that the Villanuevas were shocked because he, er, didn't seem like a strict Spanish speaker? Like I'm part Chinese, but I don't know the language myself. Anyway, my bad on that. It was just, well, me being "presumptious".

With all the crap in the world right now, I don't mind the three-year jump. If i wanted to watch all the depressing fallout from a character's death, The Walking Dead is right there.

Nooooooooo! I just learned they were together last month.

That was my favorite beat of this episode.

I just pretend it's like Kimmy Schmidt's "tooken".

Gonna miss you Michael Cordero, Jr. You were the one. THE One.

The vomit caught me off-guard, but I got used to it. It did bring back memories of the recent flu season and a bad trip to China.

A lot of people thought this too from the teasers; some YouTube commenters were all in an uproar over how it promotes Baal and whatever.

That's what I thought this show sounded like: Bewitched, but if Samantha was a zombie.

Oh phew. I thought I'd be in the outs for hating the cheerleading dance, which was as meh as the Riverdale weather. "Sugar, Sugar" more than made up for that.

Hence the *sigh*.

Altoids for me when I'm on the road. Although they've gotten pricey, so lately it's been *sigh* Tic-Tacs.

I eagerly anticipate your log entry for next week.

The Fam-ethysts love Amethyst despite her flaws, Yellow Diamond finally sings (with harmonizing Pearls), and Holly Blue got absolutely pwned. What a fantastic end to this week's "Rescue Greg" storyline.

Zooman adoption program, it is!

Indeed, they are extremely dependent. But simultaneously, I can't help but feel sorry for the poor souls there. It's a dilemma.

Genius! The room can give everything they need, so long as Steven is there to make it happen.

First episode this week where I agree with the grade. Rest were A-, B, B+ personally.