Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

TLC, cancel this series or face the wrath of … "The Human Thumb".

French-Canadian approved.

If only playing cards could be accepted as well.

I'm curious but shouldn't a person typically be dead before their visage can be placed on currency?

Good point about the money. Hope all that extra cash is worthwhile for something big - and no, not a group clone money shower.

Relax your pretty little head. Centipedes are more likely to be found in toilet bowls instead.

Oh barf.

True that about Paul. If anyone had to bring up Helena's bloody checkered past, it would have to be him.

I take it you haven't been to many Nana bars, yea?

Thank whatever deity Twin Peaksians worship.

I never even saw the remake but my dad told me about that. That was just awful.

Don't I know it. I love Bubo the owl.

Not to mention the Three Stooges.

Same here. Anything that incorporates stop-motion animation and live-action.

"Five more minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness…"

My thoughts exactly.

Between brain-tampering Dr. Coady and uber-religious Bonnie, that was like a big "F. U. Mother's Day" from Orphan Black.

I liked it too, if only because it reminded me of Katja Obinger's outfit.

That's what I've heard as well, but if (and that's a big IF) I ever head back into SHIELD, I'll begin where I left off. And when it gets less than appealing, I'll skip ahead to the good stuff.

After college, I did this with Fringe since I had too much on my TV plate at the time and sci-fi wasn't on my radar then (I was strictly a sitcommie).