Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Dyad's a miraculous company.

Peeno Noir! He's a star! Hope Titus wins the award!

Has that container come into play yet? And how hard is it to notice it in Felix's loft?

She must heed the call.
Scrub the blood stains off the wall.

And Django Unchained, but that goes without saying. I find that hard to watch too.

Yep I know - never said I agreed with everything he thought.

Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. It's a well done film, but as a person of Jewish descent - though not Jewish myself - it can get questionably disconcerting at times. Blame it on my dad, who saw it and said Jewish people wouldn't dare do such barbaric things to their enemies. The movie did grow on him over time, but

I wouldn't mind seeing Klaw return in the Black Panther movie.

Geez, you haven't heard of Sokovia's largest lake, Lake Convenientikov?

Oops, grammar is messy. I meant the unintentional lack of a name.

I find this scene so hilarious, that's what I mean.

He wasn't 18? And didn't he flirt with Felix in the second season premiere or was I misremembering?

And Ramon signs off the show. Shame, I was hoping he'd hook up with Felix.

Yeah, Art held up Mark and his Prolethean buddies while Helena made her escape from their camp the first time.

Rachel called Alison and her husband "boring"? How droll.

Thanks for the tidbit on the graffiti artists - they did stoke my curiosity a bit.

Yeah, the lack of a name unintentionally adds to her objectification.

Sounds like a most delicious Ben and Jerry's flavor: Orphan Blackberry Sorbet. Oh god, that name is a total PR nightmare.

Negative stuff is easier for me to recall in life than the positives. Strange, yeah?

A former co-worker made a snide remark about some piece of pop culture I adored (I forget what) so I berated her self-proclaimed best show ever, The Office (U.S. version). It never caught on with me before anyway; Michael Scott was horribly intolerable.