Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Mara Wilson gets why I hate Katy Perry - it's the mixed metaphors.

I need, nay, WE all need more Ray Jacob Holt poetry in our lives.

Ooh, it's Mr. Dance Floor!

Zeke's possibly the only person, real or fictional, to ever wrassle with a box.

Fanny's most likely working at the boardwalk's food place, with all the other criminals.

This episode just reminds me of Hannibal's own - and better - version of the wendigo (which is undoubtedly mentioned by the other commentators here).

Bryan Fuller, always and forevermore.

"college blackface parties". Good lord I can't even fathom people's idiocy.

The closest shows that approximate my own life experiences are Outsourced and American Dragon: Jake Long. Outsourced, because my parents moved out of the States when I was young and settled in Asia, and Jake Long, because we were a blended white-Chinese family.

I did wonder what Ichabod Crane's take on homosexuality would be like. And surprisingly, they worked in a historical fact I didn't know. Good job to the showrunners and writers.

Reminds me of this story:

I really don't see how Fox can cancel Bob's Burgers AND still keep Family Guy.

Yeah this episode was spotty in some parts, but I can't complain about how it wrapped up as a mash-up musical with CARLY FREAKIN' SIMON!

I cried unexpectedly in the middle of Community's "Pillows and Blankets", when Troy sent that heated e-mail to Abed. The last sentence got to me since my brother is an Aspie, and, well, it's hard sometimes.

We're allowed to dream he is.

The demo is up already! Just downloaded it an hour ago.

I read (and finished) Wonderland but alas I didn't click with the story. The surreality went way over my head - and I'm open to surreality.

Oh I forgot I read that collection! Those were wonderful stories. I loved the first two stories about the box (UFO in Kushiro) and the surfers (Landscape with Flatiron). I guess Murakami isn't a one-hit wonder for me then.

I haven't. I had my doubts about trying Kafka after reading Wind-Up Bird, Dance, and Hard-boiled Wonderland. I'll keep an open mind about that one in the future.

Smash Bros 3DS demo, too! I need to practice not breaking the circle pad.