Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

This episode gets an A- from me. The small character moments are indeed what make Orphan Black oh so wonderful but the big reveals are nothing to scoff at either. Even if they don't make sense, they're certainly nothing to Cal-shrug about.

Given that "Birdhouse In Your Soul" was used in the TV show Pushing Daisies, I'd be down with a PD stage musical that incorporates They Might Be Giants songs.

Too many clones spoil the gene pool.

Ahhh, of course. That makes total sense now. I was also staying up late at night so my thought processes were a bit sluggish. Your line of work sounds so fascinating and terrifying.

It fills me with glee that the "Blood Ties" musical served as foreshadowing to that last scene in addition to parallel, irony, and god knows what other literary devices I can't think of.

Indeed Bjork did, with a song she wrote to promote Icelandic tourism. It was about how Iceland has no sunlight, people are on fire, and a demon takes her face.

"You selfish manure bag of a man!" - I'll have to remember to use that insult some time.

Uh oh, are you being probed at night? Better lock the doors, Ms Lem.

Alison would scrub the prison scum clean off. And with steel wool no less.

Alison and Donnie: Blood Buds 'til the end.

I think you mean Emmys, but hey wen-dee-go, wen-dah-go.

My lord, Mizumono was probably the most devastatingly haunting thing I've watched - and I mean that in a good way. Hannibal's second season finale hit me emotionally in ways I did not see coming. Bravisimo, Bryan Fuller and company.

But Hannibal was about to do away with Bedelia at the end of the second episode. He walked into her home in his plastic body suit and found she had cleared out already.

Croutons and shrimp! The finest hors d'oeuvres Bob's Burgers has to offer!

Fanny will be running the Wonder Wharf carousel in the next season.

Fuller does count Hitchcock among his influences; Bedelia shares her surname with the author Daphne du Maurier whose book, Rebecca, was adapted to a movie by Hitchcock himself.

I'm glad you mentioned that quote particularly because I was scratching my head trying to make a clever riff off it. Good job miss / sir.


Eurovision is a recent discovery for me, recommended through college friends. It's just silly entertaining stuff to behold. I found Pollenpok's "No Prejudice" particularly catchy.
