Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

My parents speak about this from experience when they took unsold Mrs. Fields cookies from their dumpster when I was a baby. Good times.

I finally recognized her towards the end when she was whining to Felix! Key and Peele can come back to Bob's Burgers as many times as they please (and perhaps vice versa?).

I guess I'll give Mulaney a shot (and Weird Loners, too, if Fox ever airs it).

I feel tempted to watch Marry Me and One Big Happy for Penny and Alex. AV Club members, try and dissuade me please.

Ground Floor is on TBS.

Tilda Swinton as Hannibal's uncle would be inspired casting.

Is Cosima vegan though? I don't recall that but sure why not.

A Clone Club dinner party would be the funniest thing ever! I'll assume Cosima brings pot brownies to the potluck.

Felix's heartbreaking realization and goodbye to Sarah got to me in that episode. I got teary watching that.

Now I'm fantasizing about Tatiana Maslany hosting an SNL episode. She did study improv comedy so I'm sure she'd do a bang-up job, if given the opportunity.

Hannibal's not the Chesapeake Reaper, he's a very naughty boy!

The movie was cool. Cool cool cool.

Yay for Orphan Black!

I theorize that the writers put Hannibal in the red sweater so as to ease the cardiac rates of seriously mad Fannibals before his swimming scenes.

Alternative title for Bryan Fuller's upcoming SyFy series: "Speedos in Space".

Oh yeah, like Garrett Jacob Hobbs' lingering ghost (and many others). That's quite comforting with regards to Beverly Katz.

Plus, Chuck first used Kitty Pims as an alias during the investigation of a bee-related homicide.

~ Fili-Bee-Foes. ~

We needed a study to confirm what was already obvious?

Three years ago, I imparted onto my younger brother Bob's Burgers to fill the Simpsons-shaped void left behind after the later seasons got too mediocre even for him. Also I had to distract him from Family Guy (and Seth MacFarlane in general).