Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Oh god, I've only seen the first two pages of the unpublished PD comic, but there's more?! Thanks for showing this!

A match made in user name-comment heaven. I salute you, oh wonderful human being.

Traci N.G. Carlisle. Bryan Fuller likes to play with names so why not have her name spell out 'tracing'? Or we can ditch n and g altogether, since Kade Purnell isn't a complete anagram of Paul Krendler.

Leslie talking about her bee hole problem was my favorite part of the episode. Surprised it's not in the review.

Don't fret too hard over the loss of the netting, Mr. Fuller. The framing shots of Will combined with Hugh Dancy's palpable solitude not to mention himself imagining he is out in the open fishing certainly conveyed what the netting would have done.

Take comfort, it's less painful to read about Glee than to watch it -and I feel all the better for it after giving it up last season, too.

NBC never learns, do they? Or rather, Hollywood in general never learns.

I love the response to the second question. From now on, I shall always think of love as defying your meddlesome relatives and putting them in their manipulative place.

Oh god, Thanks for reminding me that Marilu Henner has super memory powers! And now I just realized how redundant that sentence sounds.

Pretty sure, there's just one. She was on Dawson's Creek, right? And last year's Great Gatsby movie and Rectify on Sundance? Busy girl.

Whoever did this is a heartless monster.

I can't see his name without thinking of BJ (aka Junkface) from Ben and Kate. Sigh, I hope Lucy Punch gets more work.

The slogan sounds like the Belchers are becoming the original show's pitch idea of the cannibal family.

When Troy said his goodbyes to each individual member, I flash-backed to specific moments for each of them:

Sad Tatiana Maslany didn't win an award (the competition was stacked though) but it's about time that Amy Poehler finally won something (on live TV, that is).

Impressive with the Best Picture winners. Over Christmas break, my dad and I watched two of those particular films: the Clark Gable-starrer "It Happened One Night" (which was alright) and Alfred Hitchcock's "Rebecca" (enjoyed it greatly).

I listened to the first episode of Welcome to Night Vale last week and I'm totally enthralled by it so I intend to catch up with this podcast. I love the Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks and weird stuff in general so this seems right up my alley. And it's a nice way to honor my grandparents (and their parents before them)

At a local CD store, I bought a couple of discounted Doves albums for $2 each. Nice songs, really great stuff.

Are those your top five shows or shows you plan to watch or finish? I'm planning to start up on The Returned, Orange is the New Black, and Sleepy Hollow over winter break - and likely into January as well.

Favorite shows of the year: