You mean like those of us who keep our guns unloaded, locked in a safe, and wouldn't dream of letting our children near them? I'm so excited to be an emerald sphinctered mermaid!
You mean like those of us who keep our guns unloaded, locked in a safe, and wouldn't dream of letting our children near them? I'm so excited to be an emerald sphinctered mermaid!
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.
GOD DAMN IT. If you cannot keep a firearm secure and under your control at all times, you should not own it.
wasn't mentally ill? Rodgers was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and had a psychiatrist. He probably also had a narcissist complex. He was messed up
I'm glad this is being talked about, but I m not comfortable putting mental illness and misogyny in the same category.
This story has inspired me, and on Valentine's Day no less. Tonight, when I finish 30 minutes ahead of my wife, I vow to stay awake and congratulate her perseverance.
Personal injury lawyers have nothing on intellectual property lawyers:
So, what would've been a brief in a newspaper anywhere else in the country is national news because it's Detroit. A…