Jessica S

Actually, one can read her line at the end a whole different way, and a clever editor may be doing precisely that to appeal to the broader, never watched the anime American audience. Yes, it could be “They created me, but now I’m working against them” OR it could be in answer to someone saying something along the

I just can’t figure out why they think this will do anything. Almost half the current illegal aliens came here on planes.

I’m a progressive, I voted. I’d have voted for a lizard person, so long as they weren’t this fascist.

I voted for her, I voted, if I could have voted 18 times I would have, but of course I live in Texas. I KNEW there were enough morons here to swing the vote his way. In a lot of internment cases you see harborers taken in, too, and yeah. Fuck him. I’m a white, educated, married mother of two...and if it comes to that,

I’m showing this to my 4 year old. “Just like that, Jack. That’s how you deal with Nazi’s.”

Same. I’m a mod on Reddit. Same.

Now playing

Yeah, hate to say it, but there’s two super good reasons why this happens. One, it’s an established Judo take down that takes away the height and weight advantage of a bigger opponent. Two, the exact same fight coordinators seem to get certain movie types, and likely, it’s a choreography tic. I can even prove the 1st

I feel like that’s giving Tatiana too much credit. She’s good, she is, but the different characterizations are through make up and hair design, and broad stroke acting. As a matter of fact, they played with that expectation this season premiere, only seperating the two by what man was beside them when the phone woke

He stood up when Jon woke up on the’s alive

Oh God. Where to begin? The music, the whole lead up to blowing up the sept. I literally gasped three or four times, my hands were over my amazing. I couldn’t fathom how they were going to top that in the same episode. Dissapointed we didn’t get to see Margery play her hand.

I was going to say “Yes, this” then I saw your username and thumbnail. Will you marry me?

I literally had just looked at my husband and said “Think Tommen will kill himself?” and he walked back and hopped out the window.